What It’s Like to Have a Dad with No Job

I thought it was weird at first

Josh James
3 min readFeb 11, 2021
(Photo by Taylor on Unsplash)

My dad’s at home drinking a lot of caramel lattes. He has no job. I didn’t really know what that meant at first. Or if it was bad. Now, I’ve realized it has its advantages and disadvantages.

OK, so although my dad has no job, he is making a company. I don’t even know what the company is about or what it does. Probably an automated online-ordering caramel latte coffee app.

You might think because my Dad has no job, we don’t have much money and struggle to pay the bills. It’s certainly a worry I’ve had. Luckily, that’s not the case.

That’s because my Dad had a great job, but he had to leave because our family moved back to Australia from the US. I guess he saved lots of money and didn’t spend it all on caramel lattes.

When he had a job in the US, I got to see him less. We didn’t play as much ping-pong or Xbox together as we do now. He spent a lot of time away on trips, leaving my Mum, little sister, and I on our own. But then he’d take vacations and we’d go to some awesome places. I remember Disneyland, Mexico, Whistler and even climbing an old volcano in Hawaii!

Back here in Australia, my Dad is home a lot. He doesn’t really just sit around drinking caramel lattes all day. He actually does lots of jobs in the house and yard like cleaning the pool and packing and unpacking the dishwasher (then he makes himself a caramel latte, I think to reward himself.)

It’s cool that he can stay at home and build his company and do jobs. I like it because my mum works some days and leaves the house early and comes back late. I like him dropping me off and picking me up from school. I mainly like playing ping-pong and Xbox with him when he wants to. I really like it when he makes me breakfast or lunch!

My dad says he will make a lot of money one day, and I hope he does too, but I’m not sure if he’s talking about his company or those lotto tickets he buys… Anyway, I just hope his new company is successful but he also somehow manages to stay at home a lot.

If your mum or dad find themselves at home without a job, I can understand if it feels a bit odd. Depending on your situation, sometimes it can be pretty stressful. And not just because they hang around at home eating your Halloween candy you’d hidden away. My experience is to enjoy the time at home you have together by doing things you like. Because soon a time might come again where your parents are super busy, away a lot, and don’t seem to have as much time for just having fun.

So overall, I hope Dad makes money again and is happy with his company. If his company grows, that would be awesome. If not, I guess I’ll have to make some cash somehow…maybe that’s why I’m writing this on medium.

Most of all, I hope he lets me try one of those caramel lattes! They smell amazing!

So, that’s what it’s like to have a dad with no job. At least for me.



Josh James

I've traveled to so many places in the world, that’s why I like geography and space. I’m on Medium to learn and share ideas!