What Star Wars and Every Other Intergalactic, Spaceship Movies are Doing Wrong

Josh James
5 min readNov 19, 2019


Photo by Andrew Wulf on Unsplash

Star Wars, Star Trek, Guardians of the galaxy and lots more movies with space-travel and spaceship scenes are all attention grabbers, but all are terribly wrong in their space-travel and space-war moments.

Here’s how:

The Foley, is the person who adds sound effects to a movie, video and other media. Obviously, the Foley wants to put in the right sound effects to match the right scenes, for example: The Foley edits the movie by creating a “BOOM” sound when something explodes.

You know how in Star Wars when the death star explodes, it makes a loud “BOOM” and you can hear the millennium falcon zoom through space to escape from getting exploded. Well all of that is wrong.

In space, there is no air (i think you’d know that already) and sound travels through atoms and molecules in a medium (such as air or water). In space were there is no air, sound has no way to travel. That is exactly whats wrong with these movies, the Foley wants to keep the movie exiting of course, so he adds those sound effects.

That’s not all…

A space-ship movie is no space ship movie without SPACE BATTLES!!!

Blasts of lazer beams are the most commonly used in space battles, you just cannot have a quiet space battle. The Foley makes sure there’s some “pew pew” shooting sounds! Except, the Foley is not applying to the laws of physics again, he is adding noise to space.

Zoom, vroom, the space-ship is making a noise from its turning and twisting, witch is already the poor Foley messing up again, but don’t blame the Foley, someone else is messing up on this. What exactly is happening that has issues? Well right now the space-ship is zooming through space struggling to dodge asteroids on every angle, but this seems normal and seems this would happen in real life if you passed through the asteroid belt right? Right…?

No, that is invalid…

If you flew a space-ship through the asteroid belt, it would be a breeze! Easy Peasy! In the asteroid belt asteroids are about 1–3 MILLION kilometers apart! So you might not even know your going through the asteroid belt if you’re an alien visiting earth…

But who is putting the asteroids unnecessarily close to each other, there name is… VFX (Visual Effects Artist), He’s the one being a weirdo trying to kill the characters by putting asteroids WAY to close to each other.

Is that all? NO NO NO, there are more problems…

The VFX is still the one making this new problem.

In star wars when a space ship zooms through space at light speed, it makes the stars look like they streak by you making them look longer. That is a big mistake, VFX guy.

Here is what it looks like in star wars, but in reality it’s never going to look like that — this is a VFX fail. Also notice the sound of the space-ships moving and the lazers shooting, that’s all wrong.

See how, when Han jumps to light speed, the stars suddenly streak by and appear to stretch.

This is how it would look in reality:

Yep, much more different than the original star wars light speed. It doesn’t even look like your moving fast because there’s no streak.

Well VFX artist, at least you excited people by showing them a fun version of light speed.

There’s something “pulling” me to this next issue, Gravity! (lol, get it? no? i’ll just shut up 😒)

Anyway, if you’ve watched Star Wars or Star Trek you’ve seen a form of space vehicle falling into the planets atmosphere after losing its thrusters. Well, guess who failed again! THE VFX ARTIST 🤪🤪!!! God he fails a bunch, poor dude.

In real life, if that situation happened, the space vehicle wont suddenly turn and fall down on the planet. Gravity doesn’t work the way it sounds, it does act kind of like a vacuum in space, but that doesn’t mean it will instantly pull objects towards it! Gravity just doesn't work like that!

First, the object wont just fall through the layers like a penny falling off a skyscraper. Second, no space-craft is going to withstand the resistance of entering these layers without some form of return resistance, in other words total destruction.

Hear that VFX artist?

Thanks to movies like Star Wars, a belief that the cosmos is a giant neighborhood and everyone is just like “oh hey, Jerald!” “Hey, how are ya, jimmy” is not true, even no one on earth even knows everyone else on earth, so don’t even think about the whole cosmos.

Space is literally just to big to fit a galactic senate or all-compassing empire to rule over.



Josh James

I've traveled to so many places in the world, that’s why I like geography and space. I’m on Medium to learn and share ideas!