Why I Hate Valentines Day

Josh James
2 min readOct 7, 2019


Valentines day: full of happiness, love and love cards.

Which is crap.

I mean, I like happiness, but not because you just found out someone anonymous loves you.

At school, when it’s Valentines day, my Mum makes me write cards to everyone in class and I hate it because it makes me feel like someone will say “OMG hey everyone! Somebody loves me!!!”. So that’s why I try to give cards with less love hearts on them, and instead things like minions, or uh chickens… -_-

Valentines day SUCKS, not just because of sending cards but also reading them…

let me tell you about the last Valentines day at school:

It was just a normal valentines day, nothing weird had happened, yet.

I got picked up from school and went home, carrying my giant bucket of Valentines day cards.

At home I started to open and read them. I’d opened about 5 already and they weren't to bad, they mostly had lollies and stuff in them.

But then… I was sitting in my room munching on a lolly pop when i saw a card with this on it: 😍😘💕💋. I was like “what the heck” because most of the cards had this on them: 🙂🎁🍕…wait, ok not pizza...I’m just hungry writing this.

I opened the card with all that love stuff and the inside was so bad. It had more hearts and random lips everywhere. I saw who it was from and then texted some of my friends to see if they got any really lovie cards from the same person, and they did.

I was happy that person didn't actually love me, or maybe she loved me and everyone else, or maybe she just had a really bad sense of staying calm and cool on Valentines day.

Every year on valentines day that same situation usually happens. I actually try to fake sick because I just feel like I’m going to die at school with all the dumb love card sharing activities.

Whoever made Valentines day is a big giant weirdo! It seems like something invented by someone who just wants to be loved by someone, because they are lonely.

There’s not even a cute Valentines thing that comes and visits you in the middle of the night or whatever. Christmas= Santa, Easter= Easter bunny, Thanksgiving= giant turkey thing, St patricks day= little leprechaun dudes. Then, there’s Valentines day. Valentines day= ??

Maybe there should be a Valentines day cupid that gives you kisses in the night or whatever it would do.

In the future i hope this terrible holiday gets deleted forever…



Josh James

I've traveled to so many places in the world, that’s why I like geography and space. I’m on Medium to learn and share ideas!